Get Unstuck!

Getting Unstuck

Are You a Goal Setter? If so, are you accomplishing those goals or are you stuck? Just in case you are stuck or need some tips to get moving again let me share this with you.

You have a weapon that maybe you haven’t been using lately….its your imagination. Yes, Love your imagination. It is time to fire it up again or maybe you never even accessed that power part of you yet. Well it’s Dr. Carla to the rescue. I have the prescription for you to get up and moving into that glorious future that is already prepared for you….Are you ready?

Right now, take a moment to dream and visualize your FUTURE. What do you see? Write it down or better yet draw it. If you are like me and so many others, your drawing is well a lil-sketchy then google a picture of what you saw. Yesssss that’s it, I can sense that you are smiling and getting a little excited….

NOW take that excitement and begin to map out the rest of your year. It is NOT to Late. Take the rest of this 3rd and 4th quarter to plan and execute.


Your Faith Coach

Powerful in the Holy Ghost

There is so much power in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know if we know how much power we really have access to. I do not know if we understand the power that resides in us is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Today, if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, I implore you to try him today.  Try accessing that life changing power today.   I truly believe that we have various opportunities throughout the day to Minister to the needs of others. With such great access to such great power, why are we holding back??? Could it be that we are so busy with life that we miss our heavenly opportunities?

We do not even have the imagination of what the Holy Spirit can, will, shall, and must do through us. Will you even try today? Don’t miss a moment to show God’s Love, Majesty, Mercy, Grace, Power, Miracles, Signs, and/or His Wonders.

As I was reading my devotional today it took me to Acts 3.  Peter and John have been recently baptized with fire in the Holy Spirit. They are about to enter the temple and run into a man at the gate called Beautiful. The Bible said he was a lame man and had been that way for 40 years, since birth as a matter of fact. He was there begging for money which is what he did daily.

When the apostles see this man the first thing, they did was felt compassion for him. The ministry that Jesus operated in all the time, kicked in and they began to engage him by speaking to him. Next, they gave him something, not what he wanted or what he asked for. But how many of you know that if you have been unable to walk for 40 years…. I believe it is safe to say that the lame man knew and felt like this was his lot in life. His thoughts could possibly have been I will be like this for the rest of my life. The rest of my days I will be unable to walk, unable to provide for myself or my family without coming here and begging. I think it is a safe It is safe to say that he was relegated to this position and or posture.

However, here comes the Disruptors (Peter and John) with their no having silver and gold selves.  Answering the lame man responded by saying this is what I have for you.  Take up your bed and walk in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene. And suddenly, his feet felt something that they had never felt before. Power surged in his body and he began to stand up in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible said at once he stood up. He began to walk around on his new legs and feet. And entered into the temple, leaping and jumping and praising God.

So once again, my brothers and sisters, I implore you to access the power of the Holy Spirit that God has granted you and Jesus gifted you. Go out today and throughout your day and throughout your week seek who you can bless with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Who will cross your path today or tomorrow? And You will access the power of the Holy Spirit, operate in the ministry that Jesus called You to, and witness the power of the Holy Spirit move on behalf of the person you are praying for.

Yours in Christ

Dr. Carla Mormon, Th. D.

The FAITH Coach

I Can Use That!

I Can Use That!

God will use the broken pieces of our lives to bring us to a beautiful mosaic masterpiece.  Gather up the fragments of your life.  They are the life lessons to push you and propel you towards God and His purpose for you.  Every pain, every disappointment, every loss, that you have experienced shall not be discarded.

For we know that what the enemy means for evil God will turn it out for our good.  So, change your countenance.  Change your facial expressions to a smile and a joyous beam.  Don’t look like it is over it is only a New Beginning.  Return back to God with all your fragments.  Return back to God with all your broken pieces the Lord says I have Use for That.  Let God restore you. Let God rebuild you.  Let God re-purpose you. 

Now, you are ready, you have returned to your creator and your maker.  He has refined you in the fire and has equipped you.  At this instant He sends you on your way with the assignment and purpose He has for you.  Go forth and prosper.

Yours in Christ Jesus

Dr. Carla Mormon, Th. D.

The Pursuit of PURPOSE

Sometimes when we view our purpose it seems out of reach.  We think we have failed and do not measure up.  How about we take some unnecessary pressure off us and run our own race.  The word of God clearly tells us do not look to the left or the right…. this is how you and I run our race.   We are different. We are supposed to be different.  For we are the called-out ones and when we run the race that GOD has laid out for us, we win.  He always causes us to win, remember we fight the Good fight of FAITH.  

Disappointments, setbacks, and failures will come that is a fact of life (remember trials and tribulations) but we get back up and learn from those life lessons.  The truth is that we continue to pursue what God has purposed for us.  We move from glory-to-glory, line upon line, precept upon precept and when we look up, we have accomplished a great GOD work. 

Ohhhh, my friend we are not done, we have not arrived it is only a portion of what GOD has instore for you.  So let me encourage you today pick up that dream. Pick up that vision that God has given you.  Move toward the desired outcomes and once you have arrived get ready for the next destination God has in store for you. 

Yours in Christ Jesus

Dr. Carla

The FAITH Coach

LESSONS from 2020 and Entering 2021

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

This scripture is packed with promise….

I know for myself that God causes EVERYTHING to work for my good.   2020 has worked for my good….

Now there are some qualifiers…for this promise 1) those who LOVE GOD…and 2) those who are Called according to His purpose for them…

As believers we know that we Love God and we are Called according to His purpose in our lives.  I was like Ok Jesus thank you for this promise.  Holy Spirit just reminded me that even 2020 will work for my good.     So, I created this list of lessons…in no particular order.

  • Increase my Faith, Purpose, Peace Each one of these are connected to Destiny
  • A Spirit of Resilience – It was important to not quit and succumb to the despair and the oppressive atmosphere in 2020…in each circumstance Look for GOD in the midst His banner is over us
  • LIFE is truly precious – take time to tell your Love Ones you Love them and spend quality time with them
  • TIME is a precious Resource – you have 24 hours to complete your task don’t waste your time on non-producing activity and don’t waste other people time
  • Intentional with all activity – be ever present in all that you do and be deliberate in your actions
  • Hope and Expectations are important and connected to FAITH – believing in the dream or vision will manifest
  • The past & present are building blocks for your Future – use your past and present experiences to help navigate 2021
  • Pajama days are Real and Therapeutic
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit the 1st time
  •  Obey the instructions of the LORD the 1st time
  • Invest in yourself – knowledge is Powerful
  • Gratefulness and Kindness – build character and is needed in this season
  • Leave a Legacy and an Inheritance for our children and our children’s children
  • Slow Down and breath…

Let’s Launch in 2021 with a Powerful Prosperous Presence and Purpose.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Carla Mormon


Morning Inspirations

Don’t you just love it when morning inspiration reveals itself to you. God is always talking and today the Lord used paper towels…LOL  Soooo, this lovely morning I’m doing what I normally do in the morning….fixing my coffee.  I place my cup on a paper towel (New Roll) and began reading the writing on my paper towel.  SIDEBAR:  My close friends know that I like paper towels with a design.   I like some type of print or design or words. I don’t like plain white paper towels.  OK back to the story.  I’m reading my paper towel this morning it says “Each morning is a new opportunity to shine, a chance to give the past a kick in the pants and the Future, a bear hug.”  Does that not make you grin….

Here is the kicker the other quote on the next paper towel in the roll says “Love big, Play hard and Eat dessert. Savor the simple things and don’t worry about the rest. Choose today to be Amazing.” How cool is that.

Now you might be saying how is that inspiration?  I am so glad you asked.  Each morning is a new opportunity to shine.   Let’s start there, We are given NEW MERCIES every morning.  If the day before has been rough and tough on you or perhaps you have made mistakes welllll you get blessed with compassion and grace when you wake up.  The Lord gives you forgiveness and you have the chance to Shine.  All of this while you give the past a kick in the pants. You will not look back on the former thing but look ahead to that glorious future and give it a bear hug.  Embrace your future. You too can give forgiveness, compassion, and grace when you wake up. 

There is so much I can share about the second phrase on the paper towels.  Love big, Play hard, and Eat dessert.  I mean really who would not want that.  Live life to its fullest and express the Love that heals, covers, protects, ect….  Yes, that Love! Savor the simple things in life.  We often get bogged down with the hustle and bustle of Life that we forget to enjoy LIFE and rest in it, Eat the dessert and rest as the phrase declares.   Finally, choose to be AMAZING.    Yes, it is a choice.  No matter how the previous day panned out no matter how this day begins to unfold you can make a decision to be AMAZING.  It is in this choice that things begin to line up with your positive vibes.  You have tapped into the heavenly resources allotted for you and your mindset changes, and all things around you begin to change.   WOW and it begins with a decision, a choice to be AMAZING.   

How clever for Sparkle Paper towels to have such creative phrases that would leave a lasting impression.   

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Carla Mormon
